Specializing in Harm Reduction and Alcohol Moderation
through Training & Books
Over 90-million people struggle with alcohol in the United States.
Most will avoid getting help for fear of being labeled an “alcoholic,” forced into treatment, made to attend 12-step meetings, and have to stop drinking completely.
Only about 6% of the population is alcohol dependent,
yet most treatment programs require total abstinence from alcohol.
Cyndi Turner challenges this traditional belief and teaches you how to
have a better relationship with alcohol.
There is over 50 years of research that found that the majority of the drinkers experiencing problems can learn how to enjoy alcohol with reduced consequences. Take the self-assessment to see if you would be a good candidate to try alcohol moderation. Your results can help you decide if learning some tools could be beneficial in changing your relationship with alcohol or if abstinence might be a better choice for you.